Due to the high interest in our program, tours are held in the mornings by appointment. We are happy to answer general questions on the phone or by email. You may also schedule a tour online.
Both parents (if applicable & possible). The initial tour is for adults only; your child will have an opportunity to visit the classroom and the teacher at a later date.
Yes, depending on the program. To secure your spot on the wait list, you must complete the admissions tour, have an application on file, and have paid the application fee. Priority acceptance goes to siblings of current students.
Parents are encouraged to apply as early as possible.
Your child’s placement depends on the openings that are available. Our goal is to create balance in the classrooms.
We consider the following list as a general guideline for considering a toddler’s readiness for the Pre-Primary classroom:
Walks on two feet securely without holding an adult's hand
Collaborates during dressing and undressing
Has experience changing shoes and socks
Has experience drinking liquid from a cup
Weaned completely from bottles during the school day
Eats independently with hands or silverware
Chews and swallows larger pieces of solid food safely
Sleeps one time per day around 12:15pm-3:00pm
Sleeps without a nap sack and pacifier